Tags: #cheese, #Christmas, #ChristmasDinner, #cookin, #Cooking, #Cranberries, #snackin
Pecan Pie Cookies

One of my best friends from Texas sent me a Southern Baking magazine this year for Valentine’s Day. I’ve worked my way through lemon pound cakes in the spring and blackberry cobblers in the summer, but I’ve been keeping my eye on the pecan pie cookie recipe for the past few months. Waiting. Anticipating. For the day when it would be perfect. I whipped these little jewels up on Thanksgiving Eve and I’m pleased to say, they were the perfect addition to a simple, but sufficient Thanksgiving. I halved the recipe because 60 seemed too exuberant a number (and 4
White Wine Coq Au Vinny

The best part about wintertime is the food – just how the world around us has drawn hearthside, slowed down, and warms up with blankets and fuzzy socks – my favorite foods slowly cook in the oven for hours and warms my family’s insides with each bite. (My favorite recipes also make enough to freeze the leftovers, which is handy for those really lazy winter days when I just can’t be bothered to do more than defrost.) My kids lovingly titled this one White Wine Coq au Vinny, after their Dad. In Belgian and Holland, most grocery stores sell pre-sliced
Wacky Cake

Fridays was always Pizza Day in my elementary school in Texas. Sure, they served it with onion rings and corn (which I wouldn’t touch) but I begged my mom to let me eat at school those days because what kid doesn’t want PIZZA and WACKY CAKE for lunch. (and with a carton of milk, this is part of a nutritional meal, right? I’m sure those days are long gone.) BUT, lucky for you, I have, in my possession, the secret passport to all those youthful fantastic fridays. In grown-up world, I found this was a handy recipe for other reasons.