The crush of cars choke the roadway. The children – shoulder-to-shoulder in their carseats in the backseat compete for dominance and attention. I press my head into my hand and stare out the passenger window. My husband grips the steering wheel and leans forward, willing the vehicles to move beyond the bottleneck traffic light. The green light allows us and one other car forward before teasing the others and flashing red. We take and left and are free! Only to gaze in horror at the packed parking lots, the cars jumping curbs and grinding to a halt in the weeds
Speelgoed (Toy) Museum
“Ah, did you have the Fisher Price tape recorder, too?” I ask my husband, my fingers pointing at the ‘relic’ behind the glass. “Of course!” he grins back at me. The childhood memory floods my brain – “Yes, I had one of those Cozy Coupes – you know, the red car with the yellow top? The tape player fit perfectly in the slot in the back. I always listened to Michael Jackson’s Thriller tape.” and he just laughs. We’re at the Toy Museum in Mechelen, Belgium. Our daughter’s Belgian school had